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Run competitive analyses on your products and services

  • Position yourself in relation to your competitors
  • Rely on feedback from your targets to gain insight into your market
  • Perform various competitive analyses: features, prices, performance, etc.
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Examine customer reviews of your product and those of your competitors
Identify trends and areas where you have advantages or gaps

Types of comparative analyses - based on consumer feedback

Feature comparison analysis

Compare your product's features with those of competing products. Identify similarities and differences. What features do you offer more or less?

Performance analysis

Measure your product's performance against the competition. This may include tests of speed, quality, reliability, etc.

Pricing analysis

Compare your product's prices with those of competitors. Identify whether you are positioned as an entry-level, mid-range or high-end product.

Market share analysis

Identify your market share in relation to that of your competitors. How many customers choose your product over others?

Brand image analysis

Evaluate consumer perception of your brand in relation to the competition.
The analytics provided by our AI technologies will help you identify areas for improvement, better understand your market positioning and make informed decisions to improve your product and overall strategy.