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Evaluate your concepts and avoid launch failures

  • Understand the needs to be addressed and test your concepts
  • Develop products that really match your targets
  • Maximize the success of your launches
  • Optimize your R&D and marketing costs
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Gather feedback to optimize your product
Avoid costly launches

Analyze the potential of your designs

Create concepts

Propose different product concepts to identify the problems encountered by costumers.

Define features

Specify the features and attributes of the concept that meet customer needs, and the expected benefits.


Select the concept with the greatest market potential

Concept testing

Use research to see how customers respond to your product and avoid launch failures

Optimize your launches

Packaging analysis

Test different packaging options to find the best-selling and most attractive one.


Find out the ideal price your target audience would be willing to pay for your new product.


Assess which communication channels are best suited to getting your message across and maximizing impact.